Diagnosed with a disease at 15


So I’ve always been extremely self conscious of myself ever since i was in middle school (i’m a junior now in highschool) and it became all worse when i was diagnosed in tenth grade with a disease (Ulcerative Pancolitis) No one really knows exactly what my sickness is because i’m too self conscious over that too since it is a bowel disease 😬...

I was put on a steroid pill called Prednisone and am still gradually working off the water weight. I was 116lbs before i got sick, and reached 150lbs. I am at 126lbs now, and i am so extremely glad. But i still am trying to work more off. I’m now on a medication that involves me injecting myself with a pen every week. The shots called Humira. Anyway, i’m only really posting this because i need to get it out and tell someone, I have my boyfriend by my side and my family but i have no friends or best friends to talk to it about. I tell my boyfriend it’s just stomach problems, i know he would never judge me but i just feel uncomfortable with the thought. It means so much to me to have someone always reminding me how beautiful i truly am because before i met him i would pick and pick and pick at every little thing i disliked about myself. Another reason as to why im making this post is so i can see if anyone else out there is dealing with the same problem.. Share some tips of how you deal with it. Anything.

Thank you all for being such an amazing community!!


— 1st Picture in the dress is me before i got sick.

2nd Picture is when i was sick in the hospital

3rd Picture (selfie) is me now ❤️ —