Terrible twos??? Lo is the same as used to be or has an attitude/says NO ALL THE TIME/ cries and gets angry more often

Joanna • instagram/facebook:yanncandy

So except for the fact that my little 23 month old boy sleeps at midnight and noway earlier 😫🙄

This little fella seems to be an early protesting teenager haha- maybe i got used to this calm zen baby he used to be and now he is all full of "NO": "no i don't want to wear the jacket/shoes/pjs/socks..etc". "NO don't take out my pjs/my clothes/pants etc", "MUMMY HUG HUUG!!!" So we have Strong hugs , kisses kisses kisses, but also aggressiveness "go away!" " i don't want!" "Leave me alone"'and much more like this 😶

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