Engagement/long distance 😿

Mandragongirl • Hi, I am Mandragongirl and I like Anime and Furries.
So I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and one month. I was just talking to him and he said he wants to propose to me in the next 4 years. He's perfect, understanding, caring, helping, and has a beautiful personality. We have had our ups and downs like any other mature relationship, but other than that we are perfectly happy. He's also moving in a week or two to Oklahoma and I'm stuck here in Alaska. We have had a long distance relationship for 3 months when we first started going out and we did amazing, and he usually goes on a summer trip for a month or two.. But this will last 12 months before I get to be with him again. I love him more than anything on earth! He's my best friend and my loving boyfriend.Â