Very scared and need honest opinions

So me and my boyfriend didn’t have sex and he didn’t cum. But he probably had pre cum. I was on day 2 of my period and he didn’t put it in. He rubbed his thing on the outside of my vagina. I’ve been faint, dizzy, a little nauseous, some small cramps, been a little hotter lately. But I haven’t thrown up, been peeing a lot, or cramping bad. This was about 3-4 weeks ago. Yesterday he came over and he fingered me. Kinda rough. I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding. I figured it could be implantation bleeding or that he fingered me to hard. It wasn’t a lot of blood and I was only bleeding for 2 days. But I am a virgin so it could have been his fingers tearing or cutting the lining of my hymen. I do think is was from him fingering me to hard because he has extremely long fingers and nails(not to sharp though) but my stomach was cramping a little bit and still is at this moment. Buttttt from previous periods I should have my period this week or next week and I do cramp before my period every time. So this also could be blood from pre-period. I took 3 test. 1 Feb 3 at 5:30 PM, it was a big fat negative, one Feb 4 at 4:15AM, it was a big fat negative, one at 7:30AM again Feb 4 just to make sure the hCg levels weren’t playing, and 1 Feb 5(today) so 4 negatives. Also I read about false pregnancy where your mind and body try to make you feel pregnant and have all the symptoms because you either really want a baby or you really don’t and your scared. (I’m the scared one) What do y’all think?

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