Domestic violence ?...

Is it possible..

Is it possible that the domestic violence between a man and woman can get better after having a baby.. I know this probably sounds like the dumbest question ever..

But violence in our relationship got progressively worse and worse.. it escalated to quite a level..

I then went to finally leave and found out I was pregnant the week before and changed my mind and stayed..

Yes he did put hands on me during the pregnancy before I was showing.. smacked me across the face 2-3x in a row.. and pushed me into the bed a bunch of times around 20 weeks (it’s on the floor so it was hard to get back up)..

But he’s been better since then!

I do think no matter what happens between him n I, that he’ll be a good father and his family will be good to our son..

But I’m just wondering if someone can change like that? This is the longest we’ve gone without violence between us.. he’s still mentally abusive but I wonder if anyone else on here has been through it with a good ending?

I know it’s probably far fetched but.. had to ask as I’m due in 30 days and I never want my son to grow up seeing us fight or hearing him put me down..