Feeling sad and alone


So I’ve been dealing with endo for almost 4 years and was diagnosed 3 years ago and only now I realized how many people that are meant to be close friends still didn’t believe me and would say it’s in my head. I woke up to a message from a friend who is having trouble with her ex’s daughter and wanted me to block her on Facebook and stuff as she said once she reports her to the police for things that are going on she thinks her ex’s daughter will contact me and tell me everything my friend has been saying about me when it comes to my endo and how it’s all in my head. She said now she realizes it’s not and she realized this in December 2017 when I had an ectopic pregnancy and lost my right tube and also with her now being in pain all the time due to gallbladder issues. It really has hurt me that it took me loosing a baby and tube for her to see that it’s not in my head. Goes to show I’m better of suffering in silence and not telling anyone about endo again.

Sorry just feeling lost. I’m still trying to come to terms with loosing another baby and now find out people still believes I was lying even after having endo removed 3 years ago and now it’s back and in more places than before.

Sorry it’s long. I just needed to get it off my chest.