My boyfriend was too tired to have sex while ovulating!

I'm so new to all of this and only downloaded the app after my last period, so maybe this isn't welcome/right 🤷‍♀️

So today is my actual ovulation day, but obviously yesterday our chances were high. And we've been TTC for 8 months now. I asked if we could take it a bit more serious as I'm concerned so I've cut down on smoking (from 8 to 1 per day!) and all I've asked from him is we have sex during the times it's important, he agreed. I've kept him up to speed on the app, and we've had a laugh and joke about it.

Last night happens and he just said 'I'm too tired' and turned around. He does feel a lot of pressure with sex from time to time and I try to never put that pressure on and if he doesn't want to I'm cool about it. But I'm so mad that this one thing I asked he couldn't do. And I'm going to be so upset if he doesn't do it tonight. But if I mention we kind of NEED to (nod, nod) he'll panic and say no anyway.

Is this reasonable? Am I putting too much into it? Is this a weird post? 😂