Peoples opinions

I’m in a tricky situation Me and my partner have been trying to conceive for 11 months after a miscarriage last February this month it’s 7dpo and I’ve got really bad backache but I suffer with my back anyway but it’s extra painful. I found out I had a cyst in my right ovary 3 months ago I’ve been drinking cider vinegar because apparently it helps to shrink It, normally when I ovulate I have excruciating pain and I can’t have intercourse because is so painful however this month I’ve had no pain. The last 2 days I’ve had tiny bits of blood when I’ve wiped but it’s been attached to discharge like egg whites and then it’s turned into creamy discharge today. I’ve been really emotional as well. The sticky situation is I’m meant to be going out tomorrow night with my partner and friends but I’m really worried to have a drink in case I am pregnant but I know it’s too early to find out what do I do 🤔