I'm strange :///

Okay well...idk what am I lol. I mean I love calling my boyfriend, daddy, like I'm still a little shy calling him that although he says he's perfectly fine with it but yeah lol... uh I don't really consider myself a little since I don't have a specific age that I personally feel comfortable with, but I often find myself acting like one without even thinking. I'm not sure if I make sense really. Like it's not a lifestyle?? But I actually like it?? IDK RIP I just wanted to post this because I'm really confused. I just love it when he treats me..like young. I mean he's 22 and I'm 18, it's not that much of an age gap but there's soooo much that he does that makes me feel like I'm small. He sometimes calls me baby girl, since when we started being together he knew that was my weakness when he called me that. Okay I don't know what was the point of this post but I just wanted to let that out I guess? Idk im confused...but can y'all tell me more of like how is a little like.. or how is A daddy like. I know very little about it and I'm just curious 😭