HelpšŸ˜• warning: long story

So my boyfriend of two years now and I have been fighting a lot and like I know that he still has sexual needs and what not but he doesnā€™t really keep up with my needs sexually and little wise.... He doesnā€™t mind me calling him daddy which isnā€™t a problem, I just donā€™t feel super comfortable at the level Iā€™m at with what I want to do w/ him but I donā€™t think heā€™s as comfortable but he says he is. But! Recently me and my bestfriend (letā€™s name him cole) Cole has recently gotten super high and confessed his like ā€œUn- denying lust and loveā€ for me and last time we got super close I had to back off because I stay developing super small feelings for him and thatā€™s not what I wanted because I love my boyfriend with all my life. Cole has been telling me how bad it gets and what heā€™s liked about me and what not and sometimes he gets super sexual about it... Iā€™m all messed up in my feelings at the moment but I still love my boyfriend with everything in me but heā€™s been so busy and angry lately and he takes it out on me which starts arguments and we fight and then he ignores me to go cool off. Cole has been my emotional outlet lately since I moved and literally have no one out here but I donā€™t want to keep talking as much cause I donā€™t want my feelings for him to grow even more. Cole loves DDLG and I really connect w/ him in it. My boyfriend and I donā€™t get to see each other much anymore like... at all and Cole absolutely HATES the way he treats me and gets upset about it.. being in little space gives me a break and helps a lot w/ my depression but all I want is my boyfriend but Cole is the only one here all the time cause bf has a v v v tight schedule and had a hard time making time for me and I get it with work and all but he makes more time for his friends then me which hurts my feeling big time. We have had several talks about my feelings and what not but the fucked up way he was raised, he doesnā€™t know how to deal w/ his feelings so he shuts them out and substitutes it with anger and itā€™s awful when it does happen... Cole has been nothing but supportive but in no way do I ever wanna give up on my relationship but at the moment Iā€™ve been contemplating on breaking up because w/ everything else happening in my life I canā€™t be in such a toxic relationship but Iā€™ve recently had tons of hope because we have gotten better by a ton and I could see us eventually being how we once were again but idk what to do about Cole... help?!