side hip pain, not many other symptoms? nervous


so I don't really feel pregnant. I did the first week.. week 3-4 I had cramping and back aches and constantly thought I was going to get my period. now I have nothing. maybe some heartburn and my boobs hurt a tiny bit when I test them.. but nothing super noticable. now I have a dull ache feeling near my hip bone on and off. of course terrified of an ectopic but I have no other symptoms of that and it's not sharp. I also have had cysts in the past and have always had ovulation pain which is kinda what this feels like but super dull.

don't have an appt until another 2 weeks on 2/21.

if it continues I'll call the Dr in a few days but, does anyone else not have many symptoms at all?

also even if I did go get checked today for an ectopic they probably wouldn't be able to see anything, I'm only 4w4days anything right?