I've always knew when my period was coming because my symptoms where always so obvious to me. But like this cycle- I'm suppose to get it within the next couple of days and my symptoms seem so extreme this time around. I'm just concern whether this is normal or not??
Like I freaked out on my SO because I was worried he didn't have the same feelings, and I've been such a hot head the past two days. The littlest things like eating noises and my dog playing with a squeaky ball have driven me insane.. I feel like I'm dealing with a lot more anxiety and I feel bad for the people who have had to deal with me the past two days 😔
And with all of this the usual- occasional cramping, backaches and increased appetite 
Does anyone gets this way? Is this like normal? I'm worried I have PMDD or something. I'm a teenager too so idk if that helps