My son pees SO MUCH!

Marisa • Momma to Rowan Maverick born 10-5-16 & Rhen Mason 11-28-18 💙

He has always peed what seems like a ton. He drinks a ton and loves his sippys. It’s getting to the point that I’m constantly changing him or hes leaking. What I’m really tired of is changing him in the night 🙄 I need a diaper that will hold this kids insane amount of pee through the night! If I don’t change him he will literally SOAK through a diaper by morning. I’ve tired cutting down on the amount he drinks, not letting him drink too much before bed, giving him his milk earlier than usual before bed.. no matter what he still pees a ton in the night. I’ve even discussed it with his doctor and she told me some kids just pee a lot. We used to use pampers until he was about a year old, we used swaddlers, little cruisers, and baby dry(baby dry I liked best for his insane amounts of pee lol), switched to luvs to try to save a little money, switched to parents choice(HATED THEM, so that didn’t last long, back to luvs again, and now we’re trying huggies out. And he’s constantly leaking out of the huggies. I’m considering trying to go up to a size 6, he’s a big boy so I’m sure they’d fit him good enough, to see if that helps hold in the pee. And also, trying out huggies overnights. Any other advice/diapers you like best for s frequent pee-er?