Attachment issues?!

Faye • TTC after an ectopic pregnancy in 2013. Still no luck :(
Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone is experiencing the same thing. Since moving in with my partner 2 years ago I believe I'm experiencing separation issues. Unfortunately we lost a baby very close into moving in together (before living together we had a long distance relationship for quite a while) so I had to take time off of work to heal ect. Since then I have been chopping and changing jobs, I am currently starting my 5th job this weekend in the 2 years I have been living here. It's as if I can't settle, and I get really bad anxiety about leaving my
Fiance to go to work. I work nights and he works days. I believe I am too attached to him to the point where it is not healthy. I rely on him for every day things. I can't go to the shops without him there, I need his advice and opinion about EVERYTHING before actually doing it. I have no friends left, as I would prefer to stay in with my partner then go out and be sociable on my own. Work is my main concern, as I have left us in debt because of it. Now I'm starting this new job tomorrow and my anxiety is through the roof. I will not see him at all over this weekend and it's ruining the excitement of this new job/chapter. It would be nice to hear if I'm not the only one on this, or if I am I need some stern words of advice!!!!