brown spotting all week...


so here is my story I found out I was pregnant January 2 after ttc for 4 months. of course we were over the moon. Called my doctor and they set me up with my first u/s and drs appt Feb. 27. Mid January I was having a little spotting after intercourse this was my second pregnancy so I knew that was normal but I called my doctor anyway to let them know they told me it was normal and told me because my first appt was so far out they would move my first u/s to Feb 9. Sunday Feb 4 I noticed brown spotting after using bathroom thought it was from intercourse I had on Saturday. Monday woke up and was a lot more discharge Tuesday same thing so called the doctor again it was like the end of a period with brown blood. They told me it was normal but to rest and monitor I had no cramps but I just didn't feel pregnant anymore. Wednesday and Thursday were the same a lot of brown blood like the end of a period when I wiped never enough to get on my underwear. This morning was the day of my ultrasound I woke up went to bathroom and there was a lot of pink watery discharge. I woke up my husband and forwarned him that we may be getting bad news today. I finished getting ready drank my 30 ounces of water and went to the hospital. U/s tech said it was going to be a vaginal us so if I needed to use the restroom I could, I go to the bathroom and bright red blood everywhere. When I went back in the room I told the tech and I knew it wasn't going to good. I was supposed to be 8+5 tech measured baby 6+1 with no heartbeat. Ladies trust your bodies if something doesn't feel right then things may not be not that they could have done anything if I went in on Tuesday when I called but it still hurts.I was given medication to help pass the fetus and I will be going back on Monday to make sure everything passed. DR. said I can start trying again after my first period but I think we are going to wait a few more months after. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy pregnancy just like my next one will hopefully be.