Relationships with mothers as you are TTC or pregnant


Dunno how controversial this is but thought I would post here anyway.

I have the opinionated, judgemental, "thinks I need to change/improve because she loves me and wants what is best for me", constant unsolicited advice giver as a mother. I am 28, about to be married to a man my parents love and respect, own a house, college graduate with a full time job that let's me work from home and I am NOT telling her we are TTC because I know she will think we are not ready. (WTF?!) I am also emotionally preparing myself to not fly off the handle when she starts judging my parenting skills (she already does with my 2 dogs). I love my mother but she is hurtful (unintentionally) and emotionally hard to deal with and I hate being around her (and feel guilty about it).

Anybody else have difficult mothers or MIL's? How are they (un)supporting you TTC or your pregnancy? How are you handling them?