Vent thread

About your SO; feel free 😬

I love my man but he can just be so damn STUPID sometimes. He’s gotten completely paralysed drunk passing out standing up, going psycho about seeing my exes car and tried to walk 30km into town and was lost behind a tree 200m up the road and falling over on the road which is a busy 80km/hr rd!! And then trying to tell me I’m not over my ex? Like come on dude I had your baby and I’m engaged to you not him... 🤦🏽‍♀️

He has embarrassed the absolute crap out of me tonight. And our 1month old daughter has been upset most of the night and now I’ve barely slept. (I live in Aus) and mind you this is all in front of my family and my brothers friends

I hope to god I hear an apology in the morning, I’ve taken my daughter and slept in the spare room tonight. 😭 I hope this doesn’t happen ever again!!