What's going on?!

All of a sudden I feel like a bunch of pregnancy symptoms have been thrown in my direction! I'm 34 weeks this week & just wanted to know if it's normal for me to feel this uncomfortable this soon? I know the 3rd trimester isnt always a smooth ride but this week alone ive got; external piles, nausea everything seems to make me feel sick, im boiling hot all of the time, ive been living in a thin sheet naked with a fan on & the windows open & it's only 13•, my stretch marks on my legs have turned raised itchy & painful, i have no motivation to do anything what so ever, I have a heavy/swollen vagina (not much but it has changed), sore boobs, leaking nipples, a dull constant cramp feeling in one leg, lower back pain, belly ache that feels like period pains, I can either go toilet real easy or its so difficult but I constantly feel like I need to pee/poo even if I don't, I am tired all of the time but can't sleep at night only during the day, increase discharge that seems to increase again if I'm doing anything active, I can't get comfy for the life of me in any seat, bed or position! & little one has started moving around so much again, his kicks being much harder and in my ribs! - like ive got all of this in the last week alone!! 😔 I know that most of these are normal but having 6 weeks to go and feeling this uncomfortable already is a battle every day! Please help, I don't feel like I'm making life but having mine sucked from me 😩 Haha!! Any tips will be very very appreciated! Thank you 💕✨