What do I feed her?!

Ashley • Girl mama 💕

Seriously my 16 month old WILL NOT eat anything besides:

-Food pouch/applesauce pouch


-French Fries

-Veggie Straws

I’m about to give up lol. I seriously tried it all!! Help me. I don’t want her to be starving but I also don’t want her surviving off of veggie straws & Blueberries lol.

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I refuse to make a separate dinner for kiddo. My pediatrician said at this age they will eat when they are hungry. If kiddo refused his dinner he gets it for lunch the next day and then dinner after that if he still refuses. Typically he will eat out of protest that second dinner. That being said, we usually don't have a problem and he he eats everything we do.


Posted at
I honestly thought I posted this because this is literally ALL my daughter eats. down to the veggie straws. Outside of that pasta and waffles helps.


Sarah • Feb 15, 2018
my daughter hates spaghetti to but love another types of pasta


Olivia F. • Feb 12, 2018
😂😂😂 Exactly. these kids smh


Ashley • Feb 12, 2018
Some days pasta is a hit or miss lol! Like she won’t even eat spaghetti, who the heck doesn’t like spaghetti 😂😂


Posted at
We have these days too 🤦🏼‍♀️A few things I try on our bad days are yogurt “smoothie” (a little flavored Greek yogurt mixed with some milk and he chugs it)Adding cream cheese to his fruits (blueberries, raspberries)Letting him dip graham crackers in milkI feel ya momma! It’s so frustrating when he eats something one day and refuses it the next!


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We haven’t really hit a picky stage yet, but she definitely picks and chooses what she eats. I give her 4-5 options per meal. Example for breakfast (banana slices, blueberries, graham cracker w/PB, mini wheats dipped in almond milk). Example for lunch (cucumber slices, avocado slices, cottage cheese, sliced pears, grilled chicken quesadilla). Example for dinner (leftover pasta, broccoli, applesauce pouch, and lentil soup). So even if she just eats 2 things, I would call that a win! Sometimes she’ll eat some of everything, sometimes she’ll just eat one or 2 things. I always push at least 1-2 fruits and 1-2 veggies per meal. &&& no I don’t put too much time and effort into prep lol The EZPZ mats are are fav! Helps me organize all the foods hahahaOh & Pinterest toddler meals. I’m serious!


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Mine likes the little Gerber meals. Pasta and stars, spaghettis, etc. Try avocado as well. My baby went through a soft phase and it seemed to pass.


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My Sons been eating 'proper' food for months. Sometimes he'll fuss when he's being fed but it's because of how, not what. Usually he eats with his hands but other times he'll fuss and I find using a fork instead will get him to eat, and visa versa. Same plate and same foods, he just wants to eat it a different way 🤷🏼‍♀️