Retail.. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I need an opinion on this.

Long story short, I’ve been working at a clothing store about two years. One of our managers is about to have a baby so my store manager wanted me to be key holder. I said yes.

Fast forward months later, and I’m really unhappy with working there because upper management has changed and I’ve been very stressed over things I cannot control.

I tell my store manager that my friend started working at a different company and that I am thinking about applying. I tell her that I will only be working at our company maybe one day a week because all of my other time will be at the new company. And that I won’t be able to be keyholder. She changes the subject while I’m talking and compliments my earrings. I say thank you and continue what I was saying. She doesn’t say anything and just talks about something else.

A week later my store manager is talking about all the new rules from upper management. At one point she says “and you’re gonna be keyholder so you’ll have to ...” she doesn’t ask me, she tells me. Honestly I felt a little intimidated so I don’t bring up what I had said previously because I know she heard me.

A week later, I tell the manager that’s pregnant that I don’t want to be key holder and I have applied to the new company. She says she doesn’t blame me.

Today, my store manager texts me and tells me to call her cell phone. (Which she never does.) so I think to myself, what is so important that she wants me to call her cell? Because they have a work phone. I tell her I don’t have any service. She says she’ll talk to me tomorrow.

I texted my pregnant manager and asked her what the deal is. She says “are you ready for this bs..” basically my store manager is livid. She put me on the schedule to learn how to close tomorrow night. She says I never told her about wanting to give up the position, and is mad that I told my pregnant manager more recently that I don’t want to do it, instead of her. She acts as if I never said a thing. My pregnant manager brings up that I did in fact tell her that I was thinking about applying to another company, but that she didn’t say anything, and she acts dumbfounded.

Tomorrow she’s going to bitch me out about it, I already know. If she really acts like I didn’t tell her, who’s in the wrong? My pregnant manager still has about another 2 months or so until she’s due, so she has plenty of time to ask someone else or hire someone else. I don’t know why she’s so upset.