New diet and cardio/workout regime


Hi ladies!

So for the past week I've made some fairly healthy changes to my diet. I was never completely on the wrong path, but lately I've ramped it up. For example, 4 small meals per day with minimal carbs allowed only the first 2 meals. My question is, would this type of change affect my TTC path in a negative way?

I've cut out a ton of sugar- I'd always need to have ice cream, chocolate, brownies, chips, etc all throughout the week ; whereas now I've completely cut it. I know these are good steps to take, but could this negatively impact TTC chances due to the drastic change?

Also, I've started jogging 2 miles per day multiple times a week for the past couple weeks. I would NEVER jog/run like that in the past. I'm always getting paranoid whether my running/jogging is affecting my chances in anyway. I had a miscarriage last year so I have this thing in my head where I need to be soft and gentile and not stress my body.

Anyone has a story they can share regarding a drastic diet or exercise/ cardio change that affected TTC in either a positive or negative way?
