I really need some advice on my future

So... Here is my story... I am 20 yezrs il and I am with my SO for more than 2 and a half years. He is a social worker and works in an hospital full time. He is slightly older than me (27) but this has never been an issue either between us or with my parents, they actually love him ! And so do I, more than anything. I am currently a student in college in my second year out of 5. I have always been a very good student, but lately I have been as king myself many questions. I love the topic I study (speech therapy). But I hate how uni works, I want to work for real and to pratical things. And even though I love to learn the only thing I am really no passionnate about is becoming a mom and Take care of my family. I want it all, now, and I get so frustrated that I can't have it right now. Actually I could, my

Heart tells me to do it. But my mind knows that it would be a selfish décision. Because I want to give my future children the best life possible. And this comes with me having my degree. My boyfriend wants children and marriage too but he is not as passionnate and not so "I want it now" about it. Lately I have been really stressed as I am a full time student and I also work part time (60%) my exams were very hard and I am afraid to fail in everything and to destroy what I have already built. I don't know how to be happy anymore and how to love what I live right now and not only the projections I make and the future I am wishing for... Any advice ?