Ash Wendsday/Valentine's day


Well they land together this year and my family is Catholic. My bf and I were planning to spend the whole day (for the most part) together. And although I myself am agnostic I still go to get that ash on my forehead just to appease my parents. I told my mom I would be leaving at about mid day and she was ok with it, "you and I will go to an afternoon mass before you leave." which was fine for me whatever. However after my dad got home he said he doesn't want me to get my blessing or whatever in the morning he wants me to end my Valentine's day short just for ash Wendsday and wants me to go home at 6pm just so I could go to a night time mass with him my mom and my little brother. I however don't want to do that. I frankly never gave a shit about church to begin with. I have never given anything up for lent, and I always break the rule of no dark meat on Fridays. They don't understand though, even when I tell them over and over again that church means very little to me they are always trying to force it on me.