yall are ungrateful

im so tired of seeing these valentines post, "i got my man a valentines gift and he didnt get me anything back😢" or "My bf doesnt believe in vday so we're not doing anything, im crying my eyes out right now" and the best one "im getting a $300 spa but he wont buy me any other gifts" Like damnn valentines day is just another day on the calendar. why does it take one day to show your partner love and affection. Why are you acting like a spoiled brat instead of appreciating that the both of you are healthy and that you're getting a small gift? And for the women who are getting upset because you got your so something and he didnt get you anything, that's not the point of a gift. You give someone something because you want to, not because you want a gift in return. Act like a grown woman, not like a 7 year old at a toy store.