My heart...

My heart feels so broken right now (best way to start our valentines) I think I might be miscarrying our little one... last night something just felt off, then I got up at 5 to use the bathroom and found blood when I wiped. Very red and one tiny clot. I’m 8 week 4 days, just had the ultrasound on Thursday and everything was perfect. Strong heartbeat, measuring right on time. I just went back to the bathroom an hour later to check and it was now pink, wiped a few times and it has seemed to stop for now. I’ll call my dr office in two hours when it opens, but for now any advice? Does it sound like a miscarriage?


We just saw our little baby and they are growing strong! Measuring perfect to date and heart is strong. Reason for the bleeding was a small hemorrhage on the side of the gestation sac, tec said nothing to worry about too much as they usually heal themselves.