
Love is forgiving. Love is unapologetic. Love is thoughtful. Love is selfish. Love is right. Love is wrong. Love is watching him sleep at night, wishing he was dreaming of you. Love is sexy. Love is ugly. Love is simple. Love is complicated. Love is possibilities. Love is the impossible. Love is tongue kissing. Love is fucking. Love is oral sex. Love is making love. Love is holding hands. Love is his smile. Love is his laughter. Love is his voice saying my name. Love is our pet names. Love is slow dancing. Love is love notes. Love is rubbing his back. Love is rubbing my feet. Love is Netflix & chillin. Love is catching him looking at you. Love is arguing. Love is making up. Love is my head on his chest. Love is his heartbeat & mine in sync. Love is finishing each other's sentences. Love is creating a child together. Love is highschool sweethearts. Love is My 'Ole Man. Love is. Love.