family drama

Felecia • 23, mom to an adorable 1yr old

let me first say that family means the world to me but when you use it to your advantage you are no longer my family. in sick and tired my birth father thinking he knows whats best for me. thinking he can just walk all over me and treat me like shit. then say I'm a bad mother and file for custody of my son. when he barely even knows my child. first off my father helped get my son and I put of an abusive relationship. then i decided to move to texas with my friend who became my bf. now my father os trying to take my son away because he doesnt like my bf or my bfs past. I'm beyond done. I trusted then to watch my son while I got everything in texas taken care of so he was comfortable when i moved him down here rather than just bringing him here without anything set up. not even like a week after I left they filed for custody and put a restraining order on me. I'm beyond done with my birth father and his wife. I know I'm a great mom and I know I won't lose custody but I will lose that man in my life. he has done nothing but hurt me my whole life. emotionally mentally and physically. I thought he had changed I thought he was a better person but he isn't. so ill get my son and we are never looking back. ill be damned if I let that man ruin my son's perception on life and the people in it.

update: now they arent answering my messages or calls about my son. instead my father threatned once again that I will lose and they will get custody of my son. that i dont deserve respect because "we have warned you and you didn't listen" so somehow that means that I don't deserve respect or the knowlege of how my son is. needless to say I've spent the last he crying and am still trying to calm down as i have to go back to work. i don't ha e the money yet to get up there and get my son. I don't even know where to begin. I should have never trusted then I should have just brought him with me even though I know if I did we'd be struggling. make things work. I thought I could trust my parents but i couldn't and now not only am I suffering my so is my son. Lord please give me guidence for I do not know what to do. give me strength for i am weak and give me peace for my thoughts are chaotic. Lord God Heavenly Father i am your servant please use me to your will.