My stubborn boy is finally here


After 5 weeks of off and on contractions, at 40 weeks we went into the hospital for contractions and pressure in the pelvic area. The on call had me admitted since I was scheduled to be induced at 730 the next am.

The hospital staff had trouble on the day of induction getting a hold of my doctor for the order to start the induction. At 11:30am my Pitocin was started (at this time I was 3-4cm) every half hour after they upped my Pitocin and by 2:00 I was having contractions every 2-3 mins apart and 5-6 cm. I went into the hospital saying no epidural but at this point I was considering it. But chose to go without. I got newbane and tried to relax. By 4:45 I was 8cm with a bulging bag and they called my dr to come in. 5:05 my dr broke my water said i was 9cm and stepped out of the room. As soon as one of the nurses stepped out of the room I felt the need to push.

My son was born 5:22pm 2/12/2018 I did tear and didn’t get an epidural. It was probably the worst thing I have ever been through but would do it again in a heartbeat! Rhett Alan came into the world weighing 8# 5oz 20” long!!!