
recently i have been using the product as seen above, i saw the hype about it and thought to try it out. at first i was really impressed with it as it takes makeup of super easily and gently. i started getting lots more spots than usual, however i dont usually get spots, i get dry patches on my face but recently i had been breaking out in spots left right and center. at first i didnt think anything of it and carried on using it but then i saw this on facebook;

now i knew why i had been breaking out in spots. i stopped using for a while and carried on with face wipes, but typical me i ran out so i had to use the micellar water again. 2 days ago from today i woke up with two swollen eyes and a massive rash on my cheek. at first i was confused as to what it could be as it had never happened to me before, all i could think it was, is the micellar water.

as the days have gone on, it has become progressively worse,

it has burnt my skin. the itching has become unbearable and it is extremely stingy. girls, if you are using this product, i strongly advise you to get rid of it as i have learnt that it is a horrible product to the skin.