Due June 10-wedding June 23


So before we were pregnant I agreed to be in my cousins wedding. When we found out I was pregnant she asked me if it would be too much. Me being me, said Nooo we’ll make it work!! Well now that it is coming up and reality of what it means to be 2 weeks postpartum and having a 2 week old newborn I’m getting nervous. I have a 2 year old. He will be 2 and a half when it’s wedding time. He is also in the wedding! So I bought my dress. He has his suit, what am I doing?!?! Am I being completely naive about being able to be in this wedding? What would you guys do? Has anyone had a similar situation? I realize I could go early, I could go late, it could be a c-section, I could rip terribly!! I’m talking to my doctor on Monday about it too, just wondering what you mamas and mamas to be would do?!?! Help!