So stressed

Theresa • Met my husband through World of Warcraft. Now 6 years later we are married (10/17/14).
So Friday I ended up in the ER with cramping and mild spotting.  I am roughly 5 weeks pregnant with my first pregnancy.  They said my hcg levels don't match what the embryo size is so I may be miscarring.  But more there are two embryos.  I wasn't expecting two at all.  Because of how early it is I have to wait until Monday to retest my levels and know for sure.  So on top of the fear of miscarring I have to face if it is ok we are having twins.  I am so scared for what we will find out on Monday, I pray it is good news.  But I was having a hard time believing in one baby, let alone two. I used to babysit when I was younger for a lady with triplets and an older boy.  I saw what her life was like.  I keep thinking how we will make it with two.  But I know if it is meant to be then we will make it work!  Just can't sleep well in the mean time and stress isn't helping.  Monday seems so far away right now!