mom troubles

Ashley • TRW 💍 Empress ❤ Heiress 💜 Soul 💙

I want to cloth diaper but my mom and others seem to be ignorant toward the subject and just keep saying it's going to be too hard and I'm going to fail and blah blah. I'm a FTM but I'm completely confident I will have no issues with adjusting. My fiance tells me to let it go but it's my mom and I want her to just be on board instead of constantly fighting me over the idea. Of course she won't buy the diapers I want and wants to buy me disaposbles in which I expressed several times I don't want. she also goes as far as saying that when the baby is going to be with her she is not going to use the cloth diapers and use disaposbles. I'm completely frustrated because my due date is steadily approaching and we've been having this fight since the beginning and I'm tired of it. please advice, something, anything.