Owlet Smart Sock


I had a terrible scare with my baby, 5yrs ago and in order to sleep better, I bought monitors and sensors to detect movement or lack of. Not one did the trick and I slept with him on my chest from then on. I now have another little boy and I'm still fearful of waking up to an unresponsive baby. The monitors purchased for my previous son are all set up but again, offering little peace of mind. I heard about this little device, called the Owlet Smart Sock.. I'm sure many of you have heard of it. Anyway, I purchased this product at a rather hefty price but it was worth every penny. I can't very well sleep with him on my chest, especially since my 5yr old still comes over to my bed some nights. This device is the greatest, it monitors heart rate and oxygen levels... only got one false alarm in almost 2 months. Baby isn't bothered by it and guess what....I sleep soundly (whenever he's not up for a feeding 😊) I totally

recommend it for parents who worry themselves sleepless about SIDS or any illnesses that causes respiratory issues. Oh yea, you can track baby's levels on your smart phone.. just connect device to your home Wi-Fi...😊

UPDATE**** So history notifications has been added to the android app!! that's great news. Only iPhones had a history report that kept record of alarms and readings over a period of time. Made it easier to discuss any discrepancies with baby's doc but they didn't have this feature for Android users, until now 😊.. I'm excited about this because now I don't necessarily have to write things down, I'll just have to go to the app and show the doc all our readings 😊