Ovulation on Valentine’s Day


So today is Valentine’s Day and yay! Well at least I felt that way. My hubby is in the military and he works 2 hours away from where we life. (His choice) he drives 100 miles each way to and from work.

Well I worked all day today until 8pm so he said he would cook tonight. Sweet right?! I was excited all day and then when I get

Home he was in a grumpy mood! I apparently took too long to leave work and he said the food was cold.

Then I have balloons for the kids and a card and a few little things for him that are his favorite as a gift.

I bought myself flowers because I had a feeling he wouldnt ( I was right)

We eat dinner and I thank him and then he says “tomorrow can you do the dishes... thanks” (Umm I never get help after I cook! And I work too)

So I said okay it’s Valentine’s Day maybe he’s just tired. So then he gets up and says “I’m going to bed I am tired” I gave him his little Gift and a card and no thank you no I am sorry I didn’t get you a card no nothing. Just a steak he bought as cooked and veggies he bought cooked already.

I am a little hurt and sad. Should I feel this way or am I being a brat and need a reality check. I just feel like he waits to the last minute doesn’t plan even to make me a card which I think is so romantic and sweet but just made a steak and then said goodnight. I am bummed