Natalia • Married to my highschool sweetheart💍•Fur parents 🐶• Mommy to a beautiful baby girl ❤️🤱🏼

Hey ladies I’m sorry for the ranting but I need to do it! So my amazing bestfriend just found out she was pregnant today after trying for 3 months. And I’m so excited for her! I really am! I have been trying tho for a year and 2 months... and I’m a little sad but I’m trying to keep my spirit up and talk to her while she’s talking about it anyways she comes over today and I’m talking to her about a purse I saw and she turns and looks at me and says “ I don’t care about purses I’m all about the baby stuff” like ok well I was just excited about it but ok (keep in mind she knows what I have gone threw TTC and such and then she turns to my husband and says “ Jacob you really need to tell natalia to have a baby so i don’t have to go through this alone”.... and thinks like “Jacob is wife even gonna have a baby?” like... are you for real?...

Am I being too sensitive or would this bug anyone else?

And if I’m not how would y’all ladies handle this?.. I really need help. I wanna be there for her but not if this is how it’s gonna be