BFP on my ‘period’


Just wanted to share my story with you all and to give you lovely ladies some hope.

At 8DPO I experienced bad cramping and knew my period was on its way! I was angry at my body. She arrived the next day at 9DPO.

I have always had a short luteal phase and I have been taking vitamin b6 to lengthen it. My period was light (as usual) and I thought nothing more. It lasted 3 days which is usual for me.

Anyway last night I still had tender boobs which is strange as normally my boobs hurt from ovulation until my period arrives and then stops. So I decided to take an ovulation test thinking I was ovulating early! There was a line on the ovulation test which freaked me out!!

Roll on this morning and got my BFP! Feel in absolute shock and disbelief as I thought I was out this month!

I thought I was on CD 4 but I guess my period was a 3 day inplantation bleeding! So technically I’m 12DP0. Crazy huh?

Currently trying to think of a way to tell my hubby.

Anyway baby dust to all of you ladies out there. You CAN get pregnant with a short luteal phase and all is not lost if you think AF has arrived.

Love to you all ❤️