just frustrated but happy ending.


my doctor decided to call me at 7:30 on Monday night. she leaves me a voicemail tells me my HCG levels are high for 5 weeks. and it's super concerning to her and I need to call her back. at which 7 minutes later I call back she's unavailable I'm told that I need to have a ultrasound done earlier than expected. I call back nothing two days later I call back a nurse tells me your doctor thinks you're having a ectopic pregnancy you need to go get an ultrasound done at the hospital today. I rush to get an ultrasound done the technician says she can't tell me anything can't say if there's a sack non Sack nothing. as I'm leaving her office she tells me it's important that I reach out to my doctor tonight. an hour after I leave I call my doctor's office they don't have report I call back 20 minutes later they have the report but no one's available to tell me what's going on with my pregnancy and no other doctor can tell me and I just have to wait. so I go to sleep Valentine's night worried about what's going on with my pregnancy my baby. I wake up this morning I called the doctor's office again she is in finally but with clients so I leave an Urgent Message I what she calls back finally to tell me that everything is perfectly fine reason why my HCG levels are so high is because I'm having twins and I'm about 6wekks long. for three days I have been worried about my pregnancy. but I am truly blessed and happy to know I have two healthy baby's they saw two small heart beats.