My story & I HOPE it turns into a bfp in two weeks!


A bit of a read but I think it’s worth it!

Okay so my husband & I conceived our son 4 years ago on Valentine’s Day. We went to dinner at California pizza kitchen saw a cute baby got baby fever & two weeks later I was pregnant!

Here’s my cutie 😍

We started TTC #2 last summer. We attempted family planning around our sons birthdays & other life events. Got pregnant in July but miscarried right away. Waited 1 cycle got pregnant in September but unfortunately diagnosed with a blighted ovum resulting in a D & C @ 9 weeks on October 16. Last month was our first cycle trying again, and I was heartbroken when I got my period. However I learned through this process a few things.

First, I ovulate way later than I expected or thought now I have 35 day cycles.

Second we got a beautiful son to be grateful for every day.

Third, I’m done family planning. When it happens it happens all I want is a healthy baby/pregnancy & if that means my two kids have the same birthday than that’s our path!

& fourth, I’m at peace (it’s still a process) & when it happens it’ll happen by Gods grace.

I cried a lot last month when I got my period. This month I focused on myself. I started doing my pure barre classes again. 💪🏻

The other night I was making food & cut into this

My bell pepper had a baby in it! Then last night on Valentine’s Day my husband surprised me with California pizza kitchen... the same food we got four years ago exactly the night we conceived my son. (Mind you haven’t gotten it in I couldn’t tell you how long!)

You bet your ass we’ve been DTD.

I took an opk test this morning &

😍 I have a feeling (maybe) both my children in life are Valentine’s Day babes

I’m hoping & praying I conceive a healthy baby this month but if I don’t that’s okay too.

Baby dust ladies

lots of love to you I admire you all! ❤️