UPDATE : ( It really is ! 🙄) My body is an a$&hole !


Haven’t had PMS physical symptoms for months. Usually I cramp right before my period starts ( pretty much every time in the middle of the night 😑 I’m telling you my body is a jerk)

We have been told in December that our chance to conceive naturally are so low our only option would be

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

with CISC 🙄

So I’m not even thinking I would be lucky enough to break the odd and be pregnant

I’m trying to bear the idea, it’s pretty hard ..

Well my jackass body has decided to mess even more with me by getting me some big ass PMS symptoms.. sore breast more and more everyday, cramps, nausea, cravings, hunger, bloated, name them .. I got it this month !!

And of course BFN ! 😑

AF is suppose to start Monday ... right on time it will be .. like always !

Sorry I needed to vent a little .. so tired of this crap !

UPDATE : I was sure Saturday was my day .. a little early but oh well not unusual. I’m more early than late if not right on time. I even took something to manage the pain before going to bed I was cramping so bad that night. Woke up to nothing..

This morning same thing, nothing.. it’s so aggravating ! I don’t even want to bother to test, I don’t think I can handle seeing another BFN right now :(