I don't know my next move. Help.

Today June 6th marks my 3yr anniversary with my boyfriend. I am a mother of an 8yr old boy, and my boyfriend is not his father. My sons father and I were married and together 13yrs, we split when our son turned 5. I met my current boyfriend around that time. We have had a up and down relationship but for the most part it's been great. My issue is, we recently found out we were pregnant the day before I told him I was he was trying to end our relationship saying he isn't ready for this or to be in this type of relationship (dating a woman with a child and being the male figure in the household) and after I told him, it didn't go well he was very upset acting like his life was over, very heartbreaking to me. He isn't ready for kids yet, or to be in this relationship any longer. We didnt speak for awhile due to us trying to figure out what we were going to do. His mind was set on not keeping the baby and we ultimately made the decision to terminate the pregnancy. Worse thing I've ever done. 
Since that happened in May this year. We have acted normal with each other, we still live together but I feel a difference with us. I still want to fight to fix whatever it is we did wrong along the road to get us here. He keeps saying he needs time and space to figure out what he wants and needs in life and wants to live separately. I'm willing to live separate and still work on us but am I being stupid? I love him so much, and I just can't see why all of a sudden we are here in this situation. 
We may have moved fast in our relationship but I feel it's all little adjustments. I'm his first girlfriend he's lived with and first girlfriend he's dated who has a child. So I know it's all new to him but I don't think it's really fair to do this 3yrs in. Idk I'm really lost I need help.