Sometimes I want a divorce so badly

Idk what it is about my husband being unfair & treating one thing with more or less value than the other but here is my anger issue: started with a dog, didn’t want one, were college students who can’t afford a damn thing together, yet he gets one anyway even when I said no. Flash forward, 100ibs German Shepard and hates every human and animal that walks by. He will literally go wanting to attack anything except me or my husband. My husband doesn’t discipline this dog, doesn’t train him, feed him, take him out to piss or shit, it’s all me & I never wanted this fking dog. Fast forward I’m super pregnant, like huge, and since this dog hates all walking life he thinks it’s okay to be aggressive because I know he doesn’t like my baby in my tummy. He almost killed the pug my husband gave me to me as a gift, mind u I always wanted one bc I get anxiety and I love tiny cute dogs that let you man handle them when you get anxious or panic attacks. He acts like the pug is the worst dog ever saying he’s annoying cause he cries, yeah he’s a puppy, DUH. Yet his giant dog wants to kill everything and it’s okay? Never gets after him, even after he would get on my comforter and rip it with his stupid nails and get mud everywhere. As if I want that monster of a dog when my baby arrives? FU*K NO! He’ll try to bite her! Oh but he says no don’t get mad at him he’s just a dog. But it’s okay to get after MY puppy DOG right? I seriously can’t handle this crap, everyday this dog misbehaves in so many ways and is so aggressive, I want him OUT for good, I have NO sentiment for this dog and I will protect my baby with all my power from that thing. But my husband? Chill, does no work and gives no fucks, and he wants MORE dogs? FUCK NO DUDE. I told him if he gets another dog and expects me to juggle everything on top of work and school and my baby and being a wife, I’m out. He says it’s part of my JOB..since when? idk. But all I know is I’d rather go back to my mothers house and be away from all this stupid crap and the no support I get from this man. IM SO FKING TIRED.