

My S/O and I have been engaged since December of 2016, but have been dating since Jan. 2016. We just recently in Nov. 2017 has our babygirl. We have known each other since 2012 but never really worked out when we were dating then. I just recently found out that since the beginning till now, I caught him physically texting and inboxing other females inappropriately. He continues to talk to his ex wife after I asked him numerous of times to stop and he agreed he would. He has met up with other girls and has had sexual intercourse with them. He says that I have not loved him enough but he also was trying to pursue his ex’s that cheated on him and did him wrong. I have gone above and beyond for this man, especially taking in his disrespectful niece who has never liked me and has spoken so negatively of me to his family members to make them not like me. He says he’s been talking to other woman because he can’t talk to me and they make him feel like a man. While I was pregnant I dealt with so much stress because of him but not once did he try to make it better instead he was more concerned about his ex wife and her pregnancy. He lied about all his infidelities for so long, I don’t know what to do. He wants to go to counseling to fix our relationship and he wants me to rush and forgive him because he says he is already sorry to the max I can’t make him feel anymore worse. He even took it as far as to take me to court for half custody of our daughter because he thinks I’m gonna leave. What should I do because all of this is too much for me.