immediate help please


My husband and i have very bad communications issues, we constantly blame back and forth, I'm called childish and immature, every time I calm down and try my best to be calm he wants nothing do do with the conversation and turns everything on me and for the next like 6 hours he's pissed off at everyone and when I ask why it's becuase I don't listen or I don't say the right things, and I'm always trying new ways to approach an issue or conversation and I am not in any way shape or form perfect I call him names out of anger and I'm not always the best, but we need advice or we will have to seek out a councilor. We have been perfect honestly perfect until about 8 months ago, I'm currently 4 months pregnant and the fights and the crying I go through every fight it's bad for the baby. I was just wondering if any one went through this before, we both feel like we aren't being listened to.