Childhood rape

gemini • 3 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽 💏💎💍🙏🏽

So I want y’all thoughts on this ...I was raped when I was younger by my oldest brother I was 12 he was 23 at the time... I ran away for quite a bit before telling anyone... the way they found out was from me having a minor std... so when I told my dad what happened he said I was lying ! That I never had a chance to get raped

he told the cops I was lying and did kick my brother out but also told me that I was sick and I made him throw away his son for nothing

So years pass we are all grown my brothers part of the story was : “ I was jacking off in the kitchen she came in the kitchen seen me jacking off and was like (gasp) that was it and walked out”

My dad has always just said he doesn’t believe me and I’m a liar

So now at 20 I was engaged and my husband asks him about it. He asked why he never stuck up for me

My dad says” you can’t stick up for someone that’s always lying she was already fucking giving all the step kids lap dances if she was fucking him SHE was fucking him they were in on it with each other until she caught that std and started crying rape cause she felt like he had cheated on her”

My dad has never said anything about me giving my step brothers lap dances until someone from the outside digs into’s not true at all I can’t even dance now....also the story of you jacking off in the kitchen ..why not just go in the bathroom? Also if my dad is able to say that I wanted it doesn’t that mean he knew what was going on? And if this was your daughter (which I have kids now) would you let her and her over age brother have sex without doing something about it? In my opinion either he knew the shit was happening or he really thought I was lying about the shit but if he did think I was lying why tell my husband all the extra lies ? Why tell him that at 12 years old I was giving 3 guys in the house lap dances and I wanted it? Why as a parent would you let that go on if you were so concerned? What about statutory rape? Wouldn’t that mean that my brother was able to brainwash me? Wouldn’t that mean that you weren’t watching me closely?

My brother that was 17 at the time had just got out of a mental institution and he has been raped from 6-15 my dad raised him and I was raised with my grama until I was 12...

In my opinion and from what my dad has told me I feel like it all starts at home and the only reason I was at my grama house was because my grama suspected that I was getting raped too from me being so red and split down there ...he was also a drunk before he went to prison and gained custody when I was 12 after that

I think my dad was raping me and my other two brothers and just turned a blind eye on me...every time he says I wanted it I ask him so you knew ! You fucking knew what was going on and you never asked me! I think it started with him raping me and that’s why he turned a blind eye or maybe he got off on it... then he tells me I was so disrespectful and tries to tell me that that’s why he never listened and that I’m trying to blame that as an excuse for me to be disrespectful growing up when we never was on the subject of any of this and this whole convo started over him using the words fuck,dick,and pussy around my son I simply told him I was always uncomfortable when he used those words with me and that I wouldn’t allow him to make my kids uncomfortable too... he says I was fucking like I was grown so that’s how he spoke to me at 12 (I also think he lives like he is still in prison and treated me like I was a inmate or something speaking to me with those harsh words at such a young age) it was unfair to me....