Super long bleeding 😫


Hey guys!

This might be long so apologies in advance!

So I started the pill for the first time earlier this year. Near the end of my second pack my bf (who I’m in a ldr with) was coming to visit. WORST TIMING because I was literally supposed to start the placebo pills the day after he got here but obviously I’d rather NOT have my period when he’s here. I posted in here asking if it would still be ok to skip the placebo pills even though I hadn’t even been on the pill for 3 months yet. I got a response saying yeah and I also figured, why not? I know my body is still adjusting but I know it’s safe to skip the placebo pills, right? So that’s what I did.

I had already started spotting at this point but I was still hoping to stop that since I was just skipping to a new pack. My 2nd pack ended on a Tuesday and I started my new pack the next day. I ended up spotting or bleeding (most of the bleeding I didn’t have to wear a tampon or pad, so it wasn’t super heavy except for a few days) from February 4th all the way to the 14th. Also, during this time my bf were obviously still having sex (I was upset over the blood but ultimately I’m still gonna get it on!) I ended up having a day or two where my vag felt almost like it had a tear. Sex was painful at first (usually once we got going I was ok but entering would hurt). After one session, my vagina was burning. Eventually that went away and we had normal sex so I honestly don’t know what that was about. I thought maybe it was also due to the birth control, IDK!!

So anyway, my bf leaves, my period finally seems to go away for a few days but then I just used the bathroom and there’s a little bit of blood again!

I know y’all are probably just gonna be like “go to the gyno” but I’d still like some idea of wtf is going on in the meantime. Obviously I’m jumping to the worst conclusions like being pregnant or dying or something!!

Also, I hate that I’m taking the pack off the days now (as in, since I skipped the pills, I’m not on the right days of the week anymore). I sort of just want to start fresh again and get this shit on track, I feel like skipping the pills really fucked me over!! Does anyone have any advice on maybe starting again? Should I finish this pack and then take a break and start when I get my next period or like idk girls but this shit sucks. I wasn’t having really any side effects with the pill other than my period was a little long the first time but now I’m really not feeling it 😫