I’m gonna be honest


I’m gonna be honest... I knew i wanted to try and breastfeed, I took the courses during pregnancy, read the studies on the benefits, etc. However, I knew that if it did not work out, pumping would be great, if not formula would be good too. We had our initial challenges, and almost two months of nipple shields, but things are really starting to click. More and more every day im in awe of the woman’s body. I created this tiny human and even now that she is on the outside, my body is working to create the perfect nourishment for her. I feel empowered, strong, and humbled i can continue to take care of her dietary needs. This little one has a major aversion to bottes, which of course i have a ton of mommy guilt over (should I have introduced them earlier even tho we were still having our challenges with breastfeeding?) but at the end of the day, baby is growing, happy and that makes me so proud 💕