Lost :(

Ashley • TTC baby #1 with my hubby. This is will be my first time being pregnant & TTC so everything is very new to me
I sadly have bad anxiety when I'm around grounds of people drinking and getting drunk because of the childhood I had. I'm working very hard trying to get past it and be ok when going to a normal BBQ where people are drinking. Tonight my husband of a year and half, together 2 1/2 years and our son(technically my stepson but he lives with us full time) went to a friend's BBQ everything was going fine. I was only a little anxious but then all the guys starting play fighting. honest truth that I do know that there is nothing wrong with the guys playing but it still caused me a anxiety attack to watch my husband doing this because I was afraid someone would accidentally hit to hard and he would get mad. Sadly I seen this turning really bad. (It didnt) well I started crying and walked away to the front to calm down. Then I asked husband if we could go home. We left no problem till we got to the car, we were blocked in so he was just going to move the car so i could drive home but then he wouldnt let me drive. all he would talk about is how he would have won but the other guy let him win because I was crying. He made me feel like crap because I had an anxiety attack. I started to cry and said this is just all a joke to him then he kind of ran off the road. I was terrified and I begged him to let me drive or let me out. He wouldn't and he kept saying how we was going to talk about this when we got home & how he was not going to be treated this way & he was not going to put up with me being dramatic. I just kept my mouth shut the whole way home & prayed my son would be ok. Thankfully we made it home and he passed out on the couch but I'm scared of tomorrow. I don't know how to approach the situation. This has never happened before