
Kiera • Married April 18th. Trying for second baby :)
I am a nut, and I accept that. I get that my husband won't always want to read all the parenting articles I look up and I get that he's just not that excited after my hundredth attempt at potty training when my son finally shows queues for needing to use the potty. To him it's a small step and because it's not total success he doesn't see it as a huge win for our sons communication skills. 
To break it down my son is 18 months old. His back teeth are coming in hard, we just started a new form of discipline because I'm not comfortable with swatting hands and yelling like every other parent I know seems to want to do. He's always starting potty training, I'm on leave for the next five ish weeks til the new baby is here and there's been a lot of mommy favoritism that has pushed my husband almost completely out of the parenting circle. That's a lot of things going on and I get why my husband is losing his temper and just not handling everything well. But since I've now tried talking to him about it a hundred times and told him that clearly what he's doing isn't working he's still doing it. It's agitating because I see all my sons positive progress like saying peepee and touching his front when he needs to go and running to the bathroom. I see him taking off his diaper and wanting to sit on the potty. Huge wins! Progress! And when I tell him "no don't touch" which is our warning in a calm stern voice and he listens it makes me proud. My husband tells his warning in a way that makes me cringe. I feel that yelling does not make a baby understand you better. Showing him he's agitated you and giving him attention after he's done something wrong only shows him that to get your attention he has to do something bad. Which he does to my husband all the time. He goes to something he knows he shouldn't play with and waits for my husband to look at him and then touches it. Gets yelled at and gets my husbands emotional reaction then laughs and runs away. It's completely different from how he acts with me. It's like their in a pissing contest and my husband lost as soon as he showed his weakness: his temper. Yet he still scoffs at my bookmarked articles and parenting tips. He acts like he's doing everything fine and my son the 18 month old is the problem. Don't get me wrong I know my son is acting like a brat to my husband but I think he's doing it because he's picking up on my husbands emotional queues. I want them to have a good relationship but I feel like if my husband keeps acting the way he does that won't happen. I'm not sure I'm looking for advice since I know the only way it'll get better is if my husband changes but I'll take advice anyways. Mostly I just want to rant. Im not a stay at home mom btw so our parenting has mostly been split down the middle. I just feel like it's two different types.