Over three long years of trying to conceive we experienced 7 miscarriages and discovered I have the ...

Over three long years of trying to conceive we experienced 7 miscarriages and discovered I have the MTHFR heterozygous gene mutation which causes clotting. 
After several treatments of fertility drugs we had decided to take a break and reconsider a biological family. I wasn't treated for the clotting disorder related to fertility since we didn't exactly know it was causing the misscarriages. 
We naturally conceived our baby and the only way she could have survived the clotting disorder was by God's hand. I requested a blood screening very early on because I had experienced blood clots on birth control several years earlier and knew I was at a higher risk for DVT's. 
At the hematologist's office at 9 weeks during a routine screening we found clots in my right calf. She immediately put me on Lovenox injections twice a day for the rest of the pregnancy! The hematologist also was shocked we had not used blood thinners to conceive. 
The rest of the pregnancy followed suit with severe morning sickness, anemia, and at 35 weeks developing Cholestasis. My OB wanted to deliver the baby before 38 weeks as the risk of stillbirth increases after this point with Cholestasis. 
I was induced at 37 weeks exactly and after a fairly short delivery was holding our baby girl, Elinor, in my arms. She is perfect! 
I wasn't out of the woods yet though! Clotting was at an even higher state post partum so I continued with the Lovenox. At 9 days past delivery I started to hemmorage and went back to the hospital. It turns out the placenta site was closing down early and due to the blood thinners I bled out. After some meds and rest we are back on track taking care of our little girl. 
We could not feel more blessed to be this miracle baby's parents and we cherish every second we have with her after the long road we walked to get here. 
Thank you, Glow, for the support and encouragement along the way.