what should i do?


so long story short, my older brother moved away Sept '16. but since he got married he's pretty much acted like he had a brain transplant. He doesn't even act like the same person and has intentionally done a lot of things to hurt my parents emotionally. I have cut contact and since I did it's been like an elephant got off my shoulders and I am 100% positive that's the right choice right now. I even blocked his number when he started texting me just to be an asshole to me. my mom still talks to him but my dad pretty much feels the same way I do. I thought I had explained myself thoroughly - several times- why I chose to cut contact and I thought she understood. but she still sends me pictures of him and tells me stuff and I sincerely do.not. care. but she still treats me like I'm 12 😩 I will be 27 next month. how can I nicely get her to understand?! she sent me a picture again today of them. I sent her a text and simply said, I don't want to see pictures of them. she said "shame on you". I just want her to respect my choice instead of sticking pictures in my face